Hilary Mac Austin and Kathleen Thompson
On this page is a sampling of images and text from Children of the Depression. The book itself contains more than 150 images, as well as excerpts from diaries, letters, oral histories, and journals.  

Red House, West Virginia, October 1935. School boys at an RA rural rehabilitation project. Ben Shahn. Library of Congress
When I was a kid in school I had three jobs: I passed papers, worked at a filling station, and ushered at the theater. I'd get off the paper route and go to the theater, and usher at the theater, and on the weekend it was work the filling station--and you'd lose half the day on collection on the paper route . . . So like I say I've always been busy, and I've always had a job.

Jeremiah Rushing, oral history

Near Yanceyville, North Carolina, October 1940. Children making ice cream. It will be sold for the benefit of their church during a meeting of ministers and deacons. Marion Post Wolcott Library of Congress
Winterhaven, Florida, January 1937. The daughter of citrus packing plant workers. She keeps house while her father and mother work. Arthur Rothstein. Library of Congress